Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Always ask someone before linking to their site, they may not consider the link appropriate and they are within their rights to ask for you to remove the link. In any case it is bad manners and extremely bad netiquette to link to another person’s site without asking first.

On all the sites that I design a small link is placed at the foot of the page which states (in small unobtrusive text) “Designed by Mara Cortesi”. Only sites with this present have been designed by me. If the client chooses to link to me more specifically on a links page then I am always very grateful but this is not essential.

External sites may from time to time choose to link back to my site without my permission, however this is not an indication that I have designed that site.
About Me
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Mara Cortesi
Live and work in Somerset. Just about to embark on a back to nursing practice course.
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