Sunday, 17 June 2012
Thank you Dad for all the times you were there for me - the time you sat up all night blowing on my scalded foot so I could get to sleep when I was four, for helping me when I cut the skin of a huge blister and spent hours in agony until you stepped in, climbing up on the adventure playground to get me down when I got scared, for fixing plugs, buying stereos and putting up with my music and for understanding when I knocked 10 bales of hay out of the boy who called you an "AyTai Surrender Monkey".  Thank you for all the times I resented (and downright hated you!) for being an "unreasonable parent"  - insisting on bed times, curfews, groundings etc, and for instilling in me a sense of right and wrong.

And thank you for putting the food in my belly and clothes on my back.

Thank you for being a Dad as well as a father, and simply being there, the rock on which we all depended, and for loving me unconditionally.

Any man can be a father - but you are a real Dad.

I love you.
Friday, 15 June 2012
Just want to encourage people to check and follow this blog, NeverSeconds, - one primary school student's attempt to raise money for the Mary's Meals charity led to her being banned from photographing her school dinners by her local council.  They have now said she can continue her good work. 

Hopefully they will also sort out their pretty yukky looking school dinners!

Good luck Martha!
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Mara Cortesi
Live and work in Somerset. Just about to embark on a back to nursing practice course.
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