Friday, 2 November 2012

Thinking of a new set of anti-fluffy reality affirmation cards (copyright) - the perfect Christmas gift.  Any further suggestions gratefully received:

**   Life is unfair

**   No matter how many times you say "I am beautiful" into the mirror you will not look like Angelina or Brad.

**   Archangel Michael has better sh*t to do, sort your own life out. 

**   Saying "I am a magnet for money" into the mirror will not make you rich - go and get a job.

**   You are responsible for yourself.

**   If "manifesting by positive thoughts" works why aren't we all rich, thin and beautiful?

**   The only person you can rely on 100% is you.

**   The Universe owes you nothing.

**   When you ask for help people are entitled to say "no".

**   No one else is duty bound to help you even if you ask them to.

**   Acting helpless will only manipulate people for so long, then they will disappear as if by magic.

**   There are plenty of more deserving cases out there.

**   You are not the centre of anyone's universe except your own.

**   Your problems are called your problems because they ARE YOURS!  Deal with it.

**   Whining like a bitch only works when you are 3.

**   How will you trade on your looks/cleavage when you are 80?

**   No one has to bail you out when you lunch it out.

**   You're right - nobody does give a toss.

and finally....

**   Being a nice person does not guarantee anything - mostly Karma screws up.

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Mara Cortesi
Live and work in Somerset. Just about to embark on a back to nursing practice course.
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