Saturday, 11 June 2011
I am not saying it doesn't exist, and I am not casting moral judgement on the subject of infidelity but it seems to me that as soon as a celebrity or public figure gets caught with his pants down they throw their hands up in the air, and say "Oh my God, I'm a sex addict!"  

Recent events following the spectacular failure of the "super injunction" taken out by Ryan Giggs to spare us all the details of this philandering tosser's sex life have now typically culminated in his seeking treatment for his so-called  "sex addiction".  A very neat way of sidestepping the responsibility for shagging your brother's wife and some random z-lister from big brother. 

In an article for BBC Health a Doctor in the field says that "it affects approximately 6 per cent of the population".  Call me cynical but is it actually that likely that of those 6% it seems that most, if not all of them, are celebrties who get caught out doing the dirty and then try to wriggle out of it the consequences of their inability to keep their dick in their pants?

The "symptoms" of sex addition Dr Mcnair lists in the BBC article sound remarkably like the normal expressions of guilt people feel when they are cheating, and especially when they get caught! So are they all sex addicts?  I think not.

For some reason many of the wives of these guys just seem to accept this as an explanation. The answer as to why can sensibly only be found in the man's bank balance.  The loss of celebrity lifestyle and status must be an extremely powerful motivator for these women.  But if their men were truly addicted to sex how come they only seem to have affairs with extremely beautiful women?  If it was a real "addiction" anyone would do, including the 56 year old Portuguese maid with the facial hair and body odour problem.  It seems the addiction is actually quite selective. 

How many of the ordinary man-on-the-street who  tried this particular excuse would get a hearing?  Probably not many.  In most cases he would either be shown the door so fast his nose would bleed, end up getting intimately aquainted with a pan several times, or both!!